PDS Management Council Meeting & Technical Session

University of Maryland, College Park

April 1-3, 2003

Last Update: 31 March 2003

The April 2003 Management Council Meeting and Technical Session will take place at the College Park campus of the University of Maryland (UMCP), located north of the District of Columbia, just inside the Washington Beltway (Rte. 495 & 95). On Wednesday and Thursday,  the Management Council will be meeting in the Computer and Space Sciences Annex building in Room 2316.   Following are links to information about the campus, local amenities and meeting logistics.

Meeting Logistics

  • Management Council Preliminary Agenda (pdf  rtf) for  Wednesday and Thursday, April 2-3, 2003
  • Technical Session Agenda  for Tuesday, April 1, 2003
  • Presentations
  • Conference Room CSS 2316 (Tuesday-Thursday) for Management Council and Technical Sessions
  • Conference Room CSS 2106 (Wednesday-Thursday) for lunch
  • Conference Room CSS 1224 (Wednesday-Thursday) for splinter groups
    • Local phone: 301-405-0484
    • Meet-Me Teleconference line: 301 405-8087 (no passcode or meeting ID required)
    • Deep Impact/PDS office FAX: 301-405-3538
    • For wired connection to the Internet, contact Tony Farnham with your MAC number

Restaurants and Dining

  • Information on  Campus dining
  • There will be working lunch session during the MC on Wednesday.  We will pass out selection menus for choices (sandwiches and salads) and Stephanie will make the lunch run as well as collect money.  Please have small bills for payment.
  • Local restaurants

Local Contacts

  • Ed Grayzeck, CSS Room 2337D 301-405-1539 (grayzeck at astro.umd.edu)
  • Anne Raugh, CSS Room 2336, 301-405-6855 (raugh at astro.umd.edu)
  • Mike A'Hearn, CSS Room 2337B, 301-405-6076 (ma at astro.umd.edu)
  • Tony Farnham, CSS Room 2352,  301-405-3856 (farnham at astro.umd.edu)
  • Stephanie McLaughlin, CSS Room 2352, 301-405-3605 (stefmcl at astro.umd.edu)
  • Weather: April weather in Maryland is generally in the 50-60s and can tend to be rainy.  It is not uncommon, however, for snowfall to occur during the month of April.


    April weather in Maryland is generally in the 50-60s and can tend to be rainy.  It is not uncommon, however, for snowfall to occur during the month of April.

Campus and Vicinity

Area Hotels

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Courtyard by Marriott in Greenbelt at a rate of  $134.00 plus tax . Reservations must be made by March 10, 2003 to get this rate.  As an less costly alternative, we have also blocked off rooms  the Quality Inn that is close to UMCP at a rate of $69.00 plus tax.  Reservations here must be made by March 17, 2003 to get this rate. These two hotels are listed as well as other choices in the area.

Travel to the University

Below are directions to campus via US1 and University Boulevard via Greenbelt (Marriott Courtyard)     including links to information about taking the Metro system to campus. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority site lists Metro rail and bus fares, schedules and maps. The Metro Green Line is now complete, so you can transfer to the Green Line at the Gallery Place station and ride directly to the College Park station. NOTE:  The station is about a mile and a half from the Computer and Space Sciences Building.  There is a University SHUTTLE service that runs from the metro station to campus.  University guests are welcomed to ride the University Shuttle from the College Park Metro Station.  The bus stops at Lot HH directly across from the Stamp Student Union.

        Directions to Campus

      1. Directions to Campus via US 1 (htm  txt)
      2. Directions to Campus via Stadium Drive (From Marriott Courtyard, Greenbelt MD) (pdf   txt)

        Walking Directions

      1. Walking (pdf  txt) directions from the College Park Shuttle Stop to the Computer and Space Sciences Building.
      2. Walking (pdf  txt) directions from the Shuttle stop at the Stamp Student Union (Lot HH) to the Computer and Space Sciences Building.
      3. Walking (pdf  txt directions from the Quality Inn, College Park to the University of Maryland.

        Directions to Parking lots/Walking from parking lots to Computer and Space Sciences Building

      1. From the Main (Route 1) Entrance/Stadium Drive to parking lots (pdf  txt)
      2. From parking lots to meeting rooms ( pdf  txt)

Notes for Drivers

Parking (Please note change from previous meetings!): Those driving onto campus,  park in the Regents Parking Garage (PG2) located across from the Computer and Space Sciences Building.  Parking hang tags will be issued in this parking garage in lot 5 (the roof portion of the garage).   

NOTE:  If you do not have a hanger, you will need to park at the Visitor's lot located on Paint Branch Drive or the Parking Garage located on Stadium Drive lot, both a 5 minute walk to the Computer and Sciences Building.  We will supply payment coupons.  See Linda (Linda@astro.umd.edu)(301 405-5024).

  1. Rush Hour: Rush hour around the Capitol Beltway (I-495 and I-95) is well underway by 6:00am and lasts until 9:30-10am. In the area of campus it affects the outer (westbound) beltway and southbound surface roads in the morning and the inner (eastbound) beltway and northbound surface roads in the evening. Evening rush begins at about 3:30-4pm and lasts until about 7pm. The suspension of classes at the University has a small positive effect on the Beltway and a large positive effect on the surface roads running past the campus.
  2. Traffic Reports: Radio station WTOP (a CBS affiliate all-news station) provides traffic reports for the DC, Beltway, and Northern Virginia areas every 10 minutes starting 8 minutes past the hour, 24 hours a day. They are at 1500AM, 107.7FM and wtop.com/.
  3. Local Roads:

    • Baltimore Ave = Baltimore Blvd = Route 1.
      The main entrance to campus is located at about the 7600 block of Baltimore Ave.
    • University Blvd = Greenbelt Road.
      It's called "University Blvd" west of Route 1 and "Greenbelt Rd" east of Route 1.
    • Rhode Island Ave runs roughly parallel to Route 1 and intersects Greenbelt Road east of campus.
    • Campus Drive s the main road running through the middle of campus from the main entrance on Route 1.

  4. ASCII character map of the area.