The Small Bodies Node

PDS - Central Node Home Page

Planetary Data System Management Council Meeting Agenda

4-5 April 2005
University of Maryland, College Park MD

Last update: 01 April 2005, ACR



A dial-in telecon has been set up for both days to begin at 8am EDT and running to the end of the agenda plus one hour, with slots for up to six simultaneous attendees. To dial in, call:


during the meeting and you will be connected directly to the conference call.



Monday, April 4
7:45 am Coffee and setup
8:00 am
Meeting Opens Reta Beebe
8:05 News from Headquarters,
Outcome Expected from Meeting
Bill Knopf
8:35 Expectations and Input from PDSWG Mark Sykes
9:00 Comments on PDS Future Direction Tom Yunck
9:44 Comment from the Chair Reta beebe
9:45 Break
10:00 Remarks from the Engineering Node ?
10:30 Engineering Node Role and Responsibilities: Summary of Node Recommendations Susie Slavney,
Ed Guinness
noon Lunch: Discussion continues until 3:00 based on GEO Survey
3:00 Draft the Engineering Node Role and Responsibilities
4:00 Assign Homework on EN Characterization
4:30 Open discussion: program manager/node structure
6:30 Working Dinner: Among Node Managers to further refine interface between Program Manager and Nodes. (94th Aerosquadron, about 1 mile from campus)




Tuesday, April 5
7:30 Coffee and Setup
8:00 IV&T Briefing Steve Hughes
9:00 PDS-PDS Interoperability Steve Hughes
9:30 Break
9:45 Report on Homework Assignments
10:30 Executive Session: Charting the Future of PDS
(Lunch will be provided if needed)
2:00 Done