-Atmospheres- --I'd like oodt to include java classes that will work with other databases such as mysql. --I'd like the product server downloads to be faster they can take a long time to download. --Less programming on profile and product servers, more examples and instructions on program options. --We would like downloads to be easier for users, a message to tell them when the download is too large, will take a long time if they still desire to download it and something to re-route them to an ftp if the download should fail. --I know that updates for the oodt have to take place, however I would like instructions sent to me when they do occur so that I can make the necessary changes. --Steve recommended that I use Tomcat to run the java applications however I'm finding that tomcat can be really slow and costly to the cpu often using up the cpu as much as 95%. I hope that oodt will include its own web server in a future development. -Geo- Ed and Susie will be at the tech session (I have a schedule conflict) and will be prepared to share some of our thoughts regarding OODT. We do not use OODT at this time, so we may not have as much to contribute as some nodes. We do see potential use of OODT or its successor depending on how the implementation progresses. -NAIF Lee- I have used OODT driven applications very little. This is not surprising since I'm a data provider rather than a consumer. In addition, I don't have a feeling for how consumers view the tools or whether they are having problems using them. If there are problems, I usually hear about it so a lack of complaints suggests that either there are no problems or there is little use. I suspect that OODT people may have some statistics on use. As a provider, I really have no ideas on "lessons learn(ed), limitations, performance, scope of use". As for "desired enhancements, etc", I will talk to Chuck and Boris to see whether there are items related to the default browser that would be useful. At present, nothing comes to mind, other than the "geometry engine" ideas that would probably require quite a bit of work on our part. As for implementation, our sysadmins seem to be able to handle these items well at our end. My guess is that any implementation changes would not impact us, unless there is a significant increase in required resources. So, unless I've missed something, I only request that you keep us informed of changes. I'm not planning on attending the tech session. I'm not sure about Boris and Chuck. - NAIF Chuck -- As far as I can tell, the OODT technology does work fine. However, I do find some problems with two aspects of how we make use of it within the overall PDS context.